Youth Tour Delegates Announced
2023 Youth Tour delegates

Four local high school juniors will represent Pioneer Electric Cooperative on this year’s Electric Cooperative Youth Tour. They are Alli Butts (Fort Dale Academy), Hope Holladay (John T. Morgan Academy), Lelia Kelly (John T. Morgan Academy) and Jayden McMillian (McKenzie High School).

In March, they will join students from throughout the state in Montgomery to participate in leadership activities, visit elected officials and tour historical landmarks. Youth Tour gives young men and women the opportunity to learn about our nation’s government while developing a better understanding of cooperatives’ vital role in our communities. 

To participate in the program, the students must complete an application, write an essay and submit a resume. The students also participated in interviews, where judges scored them on their knowledge of electric cooperatives and personal attributes such as personality, communication skills and poise. 

“We commend all our Youth Tour participants for their hard work in preparing for the competition,” said Christi Scruggs, Pioneer Electric Communications Director. “Pioneer Electric Cooperative is proud to invest in the next generation of leaders through programs such as Youth Tour. We are happy to have these four outstanding students representing our cooperative and congratulate them on achieving this honor.”