The cooperative advantage
Capital credits are one of the most unique and rewarding benefits you have as a member of an electric cooperative. One of the cooperative advantages is that we provide our members with “at cost” service, which means we do not exist to earn a profit. Investor-owned utilities, on the other hand, maximize their profits from their customers with the purpose of paying dividends to stockholders.
At a cooperative, there is no stock to be purchased or sold — our members own our business. Pioneer Electric Cooperative returns funds not used for operating costs to members in the form of capital credit allocations. Since 2015, we have returned approximately $7.1 million in capital credits to members.
Unlike investor-owned utilities, Pioneer Electric Cooperative is a not-for-profit organization that returns profits (or “margins”) back to our members. As a member, you are also an owner of the co-op and are entitled to receiving money back through capital credit retirements.

Unclaimed capital credits listing
The Unclaimed Capital Credits list contains the names of members whose checks have been returned to us because of an incorrect address. Call us at at 800-239-3092 if you, your organization or a deceased relative are listed.