Annual Meeting: Membership matters

Pioneer Electric Cooperative members are invited to attend our 87th Annual Meeting on October 12, 2024, to learn about our progress, ways to save on their electric bill, win great prizes, and vote in our trustee elections.

Saturday, October 12, 2024
Butler County Fairgrounds, Greenville, Alabama


9:00 a.m. 
Gates Open
Registration Open
Voting Open
Exhibits Open
Live Music by Curk Mosley

Voting Closes

Registration Closes
You must be registered to be 
eligible to win prizes.

National Anthem, Flag Raising and Pledge of Allegiance

Business Meeting

Prize Drawings

Bucket Parade

Only those members who attend and register in person by 10:00 a.m. at the Annual Meeting will be eligible to vote, win prizes and receive the Annual Meeting gift. Registrations will not be accepted after 10:00 a.m. You must stay until the end of the meeting to get a chance to win door prizes. You must be present to win. Only the primary member listed on the account is eligible to vote and win prizes.

You must bring a valid photo ID to register.