Disconnects and payment arrangements
Pioneer Electric strives to offer our members the best service at the lowest possible cost. Each year, thousands of dollars are spent on disconnecting meters that are past due on their electric bills. Thousands of dollars are also lost on accounts disconnected for nonpayment and for which the
members do not pay the amount of their bills. In an effort to keep collection costs at a minimum and reduces the amount of losses, the following collection process has been implemented:
If your electric service is disconnected for nonpayment, you will be required to pay:
- Your delinquent bill including late charges;
- Your kWh usage from the date of the last billing to the date your meter was disconnected;
- A disconnect fee of $37.50;
- A reconnect fee of $37.50; and
- An amount to bring your security deposit up to the required balance.
Reconnection of disconnected meters after nonpayment may be done during regular business hours provided the amounts discussed above are paid in full before 3 p.m. If these amounts are paid after 3 p.m., the service will be reconnected the next normal work day.
To avoid possible disconnection of your electric service in the event you are unable to pay your bill, you must come into the office to make payment arrangements prior to your last day to pay. You can not make arrangements to pay over the phone.
Each member is allowed up to two payment arrangements per rolling 12-month period.
Your power…your way
Would it be easier for you to make daily, weekly or biweekly payments rather than one large payment each month? If so, Smart-Pay may be right for you.

For assistance, contact us at 1-800-239-3092.