Powering the Next Generation

Charles Lowman, who led PowerSouth throughout the 1970s and 1980s, once said we plant pecan trees for our grandchildren. Our investment in seedlings today isn’t fully realized until generations later.

Power supply and distribution are much the same. We build for the future, and investments are intended to benefit members for generations to come. 

In March, PowerSouth officially dedicated the Lowman Energy Center, the country’s most efficient natural gas power plant (at least for now). It’s a workhorse that generates power for our members 24/7 using state-of-the-art technology to ensure reliability and affordability.

Like pecan trees, the Lowman Energy Center has been built to serve our energy needs for decades. It’s an investment that will benefit the next generation and our own.

Unfortunately, even as we celebrate the addition of our newest generator, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has passed rules that harshly regulate power plants and diminish our ability to bring you the power you need and deserve.
These rules have been made despite warnings from the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) about the risk of rolling blackouts in other parts of the country.

These rules result from an aggressive and rapid push toward renewable energy or so-called ‘cleaner’ energy sources. Many of these technologies are unproven. And renewable sources are intermittent, meaning they don’t work around the clock, so these rules threaten the reliability of power at the source.

We support responsible, calculated and well-planned decisions regarding the future of electrification. We provide reliable, around-the-clock energy from a diverse mix of sources, including natural gas, coal, nuclear, hydro and solar.

Smart energy policy recognizes that the American economy can only succeed with reliable electricity. The EPA’s new rules push essential “always-available” generating resources like the Lowman Energy Center off the grid at a time when the nation depends on electricity to power our lagging economy.

In short, the rules will jeopardize reliability, resulting in higher costs and greater uncertainty for Americans. Pioneer Electric is working with our industry partners to protect members from these threats.

What seeds are we sewing for the next generation?