(Left to right) Reese Stephens, Hannah Scruggs, Tamaya Hasley, Annsley Wallace, Vivian Gates, Eden Skipper, Wade Varnadoe, Brody Stringer and John Beekman Youngblood received their scholarships at an awards program on April 24.
Pioneer Electric Cooperative is proud to award scholarships to nine graduating high school students who are dependents of Pioneer Electric members.
Vivian Gates and Eden Skipper each received $1,000 Electric Cooperative Foundation scholarships. Gates is graduating from Greenville High School and plans to attend Auburn University. She is the daughter of Dale and Cheryl Gates. Skipper is graduating from Fort Dale Academy and plans to attend the University of South Alabama. She is the daughter of Nathan and Leah Skipper.
Five students were awarded $1,000 scholarships from the Pioneer Electric Cooperative Charitable Foundation, also known as Operation Round Up. The recipients are Tamaya Hasley, Hannah Scruggs, Brody Stringer, Annsley Wallace and John Beekman Youngblood. Hasley is graduating from Georgiana High School and plans to attend the University of South Alabama. She is the daughter of Jeffrey and Santanna Hasley. Scruggs is graduating from McKenzie High School and plans to attend Jacksonville State University. She is the daughter of Jason and Christi Scruggs. Stringer is graduating from Fort Dale Academy and plans to attend Auburn University. He is the son of Russell and Jennifer Stringer. Wallace is graduating from Hooper Academy and plans to attend Auburn University. She is the daughter of Glen and Jennifer Adams. Youngblood is graduating from John T. Morgan Academy and plans to attend Washington and Lee University. He is the son of Lee and Becky Youngblood.
Two students were awarded $5,000 scholarships to attend a lineworker training program, made possible by Operation Round Up. Reese Stephens is graduating from McKenzie High School. He is the son of Doug and Darlene Stephens. Wade Varnadoe is graduating from Greenville High School. He is the son of Daniel and Chrissa Coppage. Both will attend Southeast Lineman Training Center in Trenton, Ga.
“Commitment to local communities is one of our founding principles, and Pioneer Electric is proud to invest in young people and their pursuit of higher education,” said Christi Scruggs, Pioneer Electric communications director. “We have outstanding students in our service area, and we are honored to support them in achieving their academic goals.”