Operation Round Up awards grants to local organizations

Pioneer Electric Cooperative’s Operation Round Up Charitable Foundation has awarded grants to the Butler County Children’s Advocacy Center, Greenville Police Department and Central Volunteer Fire Department.

The Butler County Children’s Advocacy Center (BCCAC) is a non-profit organization that has provided services to Butler, Crenshaw and Lowndes counties since 1997. The BCCAC offers support to child victims of abuse and neglect, as well as their non-offending family members. The $10,000 grant will help provide counseling services that address the psychological effects of trauma.

“This grant will help us provide access to counseling services to lessen the effects of trauma our clients have experienced,” said Claire Corley, BCCAC executive director. “Providing direct intervention services is paramount to stopping the cycle of abuse and helping victims overcome the trauma they have experienced.

The Greenville Police Department was awarded a $9,970.90 grant to assist in the purchase of a drone that will be used to aid in search and rescue missions, traffic crashes, crowd control and surveillance. In partnership with local and regional law enforcement agencies, the drone program will provide critical information when officers respond to calls for service, emergency situations or criminal investigations.

“Drones add another layer of protection for our law enforcement officers, which is our main goal,” said Chief Justin Lovvorn. “Drones can cover large sections of land in a short amount of time and allow officers to maintain a safe distance from dangerous conditions.”

Central Volunteer Fire Department will use their $1,000 grant to purchase new gear for firefighters.

“Safety is our number-one goal,” said Central Volunteer Fire Department Vice President Charles Thomas. “We use this gear when we serve our community, which we and Pioneer Electric both serve.”  

Operation Round Up is funded by Pioneer Electric members who voluntarily round up their monthly electric bill to the nearest dollar. All funds stay in the community to benefit local organizations and individuals in need of assistance.

“Operation Round Up is proud to support organizations that provide food, shelter, healthcare, education and public safety services to our communities,” said Christi Scruggs, Pioneer Electric communications director. “Our mission is to improve the lives of our neighbors in the communities we serve, and we are happy to assist organizations that share that goal.”

Since the program’s inception last year, Operation Round Up has awarded $96,470 in grants to individuals in need and organizations that serve our area. For more information about Operation Round Up or to apply for a grant, visit www.pioneerelectric.com/operation-round. The deadline for grants to be considered at the next board meeting is September 15.


Safe Harbor
The Pioneer Electric Cooperative Operation Round Up Charitable Foundation awarded a $10,000 grant to the Butler County Children’s Advocacy Center. (Left to right) Frieda Stevens, Bobbie Royster, Claire Corley, Paul Tate and Buddy Manning.


Greenville PD
The Pioneer Electric Cooperative Operation Round Up Charitable Foundation awarded a $9,970.90 grant to the Greenville Police Department. (Left to right) Captain Joey Disney, Chief Justin Lovvorn, Bobbie Royster, Buddy Manning, Paul Tate, Councilman Joseph West, Frieda Stevens and Lt. Jason Pope.


Central VFD
The Pioneer Electric Cooperative Operation Round Up Charitable Foundation awarded a $1,000 grant to Central Volunteer Fire Department. (Left to right) Frieda Stevens, Bobbie Royster, Charles Thomas and Paul Tate.