Membership Application - Business
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By signing this agreement, it is understood that the business is joining Pioneer Electric Cooperative, Inc., and as a member of the cooperative it has certain rights and responsibilities.  The rights include voting on bylaw changes and the Board of Trustees.  The responsibilities include following the policies and bylaws of the cooperative, which can be found on the cooperative’s web-site at
The business agrees to pay for services in a timely manner, and it is understood that failure to pay will result in having services terminated.  In the event that services are terminated, additional fees and deposits may be required to have services restored.
The business agrees to grant the cooperative an easement for power lines for its service, as well as for additional services that might be located near to its service.  In addition, it agrees to allow cooperative employees and agents to come upon my property to maintain and restore services.  Part of that maintenance may include the cutting or spraying of bushes, shrubs and trees that may interfere with power lines.
It is agreed, in order for us to service your account or to collect monies you may owe, Pioneer Electric Cooperative, Inc., and/or our agents may contact the business by telephone at any telephone number associated with its account, including wireless telephone numbers, which could result in charges to the telephone owner. We may also contact the business by sending text messages or emails, using any email address that has been provided to us.  Methods of contact may include using pre-recorded/artificial voice messages and/or use of automatic dialing device, as applicable. The business agrees that Pioneer Electric Cooperative, Inc., its employees and/or agents may contact it as described above.
If you pay toward construction, the money you pay is a contribution- you are not purchasing the poles and lines for yourself, and therefore, you have no ownership rights in them; They are all owned and maintained by Pioneer Electric. Therefore, if, in the future, other members desire to make a connection to the poles or wires for which you contributed toward the installation, you cannot prevent them from doing so, as you have no ownership rights in them, other than those same rights afforded to every Pioneer Electric member.
I/We volunteer to participate in Operation Round Up, a charitable program that provides financial assistance to organizations and individuals in our community. I understand that I can opt out at any time.
I hereby acknowledge and attest that all of the information that I have provided on behalf of the named business on this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

By signing below, I attest that I am authorized to execute this application on behalf of the applicant and have read and understand this application and its attachments.

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